The pressure reducing valve DM 462 was developed for high-purity media. In this case, it is intended for controlling pure steam. The pressure is reduced from 4 to 2 bar at a flow rate of 500 kg/h of steam.

The medium-wetted surfaces have been made from 1.4404 and 1.4435. Thanks to electropolishing, the surface quality is ≤ 0.6 µm on the inside and ≤ 1.2 µm on the outside.

The valve is also suitable for CIP/SIP applications thanks to its angle design and is provided with Tri-Clamps.

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Sebastian Wentzel - sales manager international

Hi, I am Sebastian and a product manager at the German valve manufacturer Mankenberg GmbH. We are a strong team of engineers, technicians and valve specialists. Together we find solutions. If they are not readily available, we will be happy to design them especially for your needs.

Inspiring technologies should always be shared. This is why I have made that blog post.

